"We the committee of the Irish Boarding Kennel and Cattery Association would like to make you aware of our association which endeavours to increase the quality of Boarding Kennels and Catteries in Ireland. This is in light of the recent media coverage regarding the death of Nova the Husky at a Boarding Kennel in Dublin and the lack of sensitivity shown to Nova's owner Kirsten.
No Boarding Kennel or Cattery can claim they are registered with us the IBKCA unless they are listed on our website, www.ibkca.ie. While some boarding kennels may claim they are members of our association and registered with us, it is up to pet owners to check the list of members on our website.
We are a voluntary organisation and encourage membership from owners of Kennels and Catteries. We have a Code of Ethics that all members are required to adhere to and all members must meet certain standards to ensure membership for the following year. The reason we came into existence was the lack of regulation and legislation surrounding the industry which we continue to lobby the Government to bring in and put into law.
Our Code of Ethics includes that all members must provide thorough care for the animals entrusted to them, always being attentive to their security , safety and well-being and to place their welfare above all other business considerations. To deal honestly and fairly with the public and to avoid misrepresentation of their services. To place service to their customers and to the pet care services industry above personal gain. To support the IBKCA, its policies and programs and to participate as fully as possible in its activities.
Some of our initiatives in the past few years are mandatory first aid courses which members must renew every three years to continue membership of our association. We hold seminars and workshops on a regular basis to educate and up-skill our members which is of utmost importance. Many workshops are facilitated by Veterinary Surgeons, Veterinary Nurses, Customer Care, Business and Insurance Consultants. Attendance at these seminars and workshops is recorded and used to judge members for acceptance for the following year. We also meet and consult with each other on a regular basis sharing information and ideas amongst our members to keep up to date on the best practices in pet care.
Any customer using the services of our members are assured of top quality service and excellent care for their pets. To become a member, an inspection is carried out by our inspection officer to satisfy our criteria. Members are also visited randomly by the inspection officer and immediately on the receipt of a complaint by a customer of a Boarding Kennel or Cattery of a member.
We continue to lobby the Department of Agriculture to bring in legislation regards standards of Boarding Kennels and Catteries in Ireland and we look forward to a favourable reply very soon."